Monday, November 24, 2008


1. Hilarious one for Lowes. Cool games.

2. Really cool and different way to profile and explain a development plan.

3. Makes me thirsty but get a little tiered of scrolling around the beach.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Zombie Web.

I think as the web develops and develops it will diversify in the way it is used.
Every technology eventually revolutionizes to a point where in is used for entertainment.
The light bulb to Shadow Puppet Shows.
Television to Saved by the Bell.
The telephone to 1-900-numbers.
Internet is just next in line. The new fine art.
Myself , It depends what I'm looking for in that moment. The history of modern trigonometry or the new youtube video of a frog eating a cat. The internet is and needs to stay versatile to the needs of the user...
like playdough.